Race and Housing
In the 1960s were a point of punctuated change regarding real estate as it related to race in the United States. Below we have a nonexhaustive timeline to put to materials in a national context.
Additional Reading/Listening
- Adams, Michelle. "The Unfulfilled Promise of the Fair Housing Act." The New Yorker, April 22, 2018.
- “A Forgotten History Of How Our Government Segregated America from Fresh Air.” Fresh Air. WHYY, May 3, 2017.
- Hannah-Jones, Nikole. “Living Apart: How the Government Betrayed a Landmark Civil Rights Law.” ProPublica, June 25, 2015.
- The text of Executive Order 11063 can be found at the National Archives' website.
- Full text of the Fair Housing Act can be found at govinfo, part of the United States Government Publishing Office.
- Fair Housing and Related Laws (n.d.). United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Retrieved April 28, 2020, from https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/fair_housing_and_related_law
- History.com Editors (2018, September 12). Fair Housing Act. History.com. https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/fair-housing-act
- History of Fair Housing (n.d.). United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Retrieved April 28, 2020, from https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/aboutfheo/history
- The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute (n.d.). Chicago Campaign. Martin Luther King, Jr. Encyclopedia. https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/encyclopedia/chicago-campaign
- The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute (n.d.). Chapter 28: The Chicago Campaign. King Papers. https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/king-papers/publications/autobiography-martin-luther-king-jr-contents/chapter-28-chicago-campaign
- Ruffin, H. G., II (2011, June 5). The California Fair Housing ACt [The Rumford Act] (1963-1968). BlackPast. https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/california-fair-housing-act-rumford-act-1963-1968/