lesson nine

Dublin Core


lesson nine


This is a horizontal composition with the majority of the imagery on the left. A vertical band of pale red fills about 1/3 of the composition, however it does not go all the way to the top or the bottom of the page. Also, the lower portion of the band of red is a darker red. The band of red is filled with white copy starting with the words "Lesson Nine." Overlaying the red band and floating predominately in the center of the composition is the phrase "COME HOME TO FLAVOR AGAIN" in a charcoal gray color. The first two words of the phrase, "COME HOME" are stacked one on top of the other. The other three words are also stacked one on top of another, however the words are upside down and backwards starting with "AGAIN" directly below "HOME," then "FLAVOR" below "AGAIN" and "TO" below "FLAVOR."
inscribed: COME / HOME/ AGAIN/ FLAVOR / TO / LESSON NINE / The sun is very full of sunshine / which is very pleasant just at nine, / when the wash hanging out / the line. Turkeys are wild a[nd] / turkeys are tame which is [a s]hame. / Peacocks too and they are [blu]e / and if all this is true / who are you. / This is what the sun said / when after having been up / since nine he thought of sett[in]g / time after time, but they [said] no / what is there to show th[at the sun] / has sunshine if he is [setting] / all the time. So th[e su]n sa[id] / he would shine [eve]n / if it was [nine and] he / did just as [if he w]as [a] / lid which [he wa]s be / cause th[ere] w[as] a / cover w[hich di]d / cover all around the sun cover the sun all [up and] / after that there was no bother nobody [had to get] / up even at nine. Anyway ther[e was] / no sunshine, not yesterday. / It is different today. / Thank you very much for such. g. stein




This digital image may not be reproduced for any reason without the express written consent of St. Catherine University. Artwork available for faculty/staff use. Please contact the Catherine G. Murphy Art Gallery Director, Nicole Watson, at (651) 690-6637.


30 x 36 inches
screen print




still image




Corita (American designer, printmaker, and educator, 1918-1986), “lesson nine,” Digital Collections From St Kate's, accessed October 4, 2024, https://omeka.reclaim.stkate.edu/items/show/4188.

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